Diapason for tinnitus

Download Diapason for tinnitus

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Help to install Diapason

What type is your phone?

  • iPhone or iPad

  • Android

  1. 1. On your iPhone or iPad, launch the App Store application
  2. 2. In the search bar, at the top, search for: diapason
  3. 3. Press the "Get" button next to "Diapason for tinnitus"
  4. 4. You can launch the application by pressing the "Open" button
  1. 1. On your phone or tablet, launch the Play Store app
  2. 2. In the search bar, at the top, search for: diapason
  3. 3. Select "Diapason for tinnitus" from Immersive Therapy
  4. 4. Press the green "Install" button
  5. 5. You can launch the application by pressing the "Open" button